Some projects carried out.

Comprehensive Information Management and Update System of the General Direction of Cadastre and Cartography of the Province of Corrientes. IDB Loan 3835/OC-AR

Comprehensive cadastral management system to improve and optimize the management of the General Directorate of Cadastre and Cartography of the Province of Currents (DG—CyC).
The project covers the comprehensive updating of cadastral management systems, economic cadastre, physio-parcelar data, as well as the factual status of the real estate, and includes document digitization processes, training to users and future system administrators and post-implementation technical support.

Territorial Information System of the Province of Cordoba – Provincial Cadastre

Implementation of a Territorial Information System in the Direction of Cadastre of the Province of Córdoba to manage graphic and alphanumeric information regarding the rural and urban plots that make up its territory. He contemplated integration with all his delegations and with other agencies such as Province Revenues, the Land Registry and SUAC.

Parcel and Construction Update – Ciudad de Trelew

Survey and elaboration of the cadastral mapping of an area of 35km2, the determination of the area built on each plot and the implementation of a modern and efficient Cadastral Geographic Information System, which allows to manage the graphic and alphanumeric information related to all plots, construction contours and the area associated with each of them.

Territorial Management, Update of the Plot Graphic Register and Fiscal Valuations of the Province of Chubut. Informatization of 23 Municipalities of the Province

Implementation of the Territorial Information System of the Direction of Cadastre of the province of Chubut for the administration of graphic and alphanumeric information relating to the rural and urban plots that make up its territory and integrating other provincial organisms such as Rentas of the Province and the Registry of Provincial Property, as well as with 23 of its municipalities.

Integrated Territorial Information System for the Modernization of Municipal Management

Project part of the Modernization Program of Municipal Management of Maipú, consisted of implementing the Integral Territorial Management System (ITMS) in the Municipality integrating other municipal organism to manage graphical and alphanumeric information, allowing it to be kept up-to-date, consistent and standardized and easily accessible to users (external and internal) and key informants.

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