Migration of Geographic Information System and Cadastral Management System – AySA


The tasks developed by Geosystems in the framework of this project consisted in the survey, analysis and design of the new system, both in its functional and technical aspect; the development and testing of each of the components developed, as well as the support and execution of comprehensive tests, performance, security and auditing. Finally, the training tasks for referring users, the implementation in production, and the post-implementation support were carried out.

The project consisted in the development and implementation of a new Corporate GIS for the company AySA SA, in its operating modules and Cadastre, along with the necessary interfaces with other corporate systems, such as SAP, SAR (Automatic Claims System), Service Cuts and Networks. The System has a Web Query application, where all the Cadastral, Commercial and Technical information in collected, as well as own satellite images and Google background (Street, Image or hybrid). This application is for mass use, since at the time of its implementation there was no way to handle such consolidated information. For information management, tools were developed on AutoCAD MAP 3D, which allows users of the CIAG (Integrated Graphic Update Center) to concentrate all the management of the Cadastral information, implementing a management of digital procedures that avoids the use of paper and the logistics distribution of its support for management among users distributed throughout the concession (Gran Buenos Aires and Autonomous City of Buenos Aires) and CIAG. Integration with SAP is achieved automatically, receiving monthly closing information for exploitation from the Web application; as well as the daily sending of the news of Cadastre and Nomenclator de Streets, significantly improving the weekly frequency available prior to the implementation of this system.

The system currently has more than 1,000 users within the organization.

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