Computer and Process Reengineering of the Cadastral Management System of the Province of Chaco – PFGP-63-SBCC-CF-3 – IDB Loan 3835/OC-AR (In Progress)


The project, initiated in March 2023, has the following objectives:

  • Provide a technically superior solution that will allow for opening up cadastral information to professionals and citizens, by having web and mobile applications available.

  • Achieve online exchange of information required by intervening agencies, and the ability to integrate with the geo-portal of the Provincial Spatial Data Infrastructure and any other publicly available cartographic information.

  • Ensure that security mechanisms are efficient and reliable.
  • Have a single centralized database for the administration of alphanumeric and geospatial data, which will be exploited interchangeably by any of the platforms to be used in the project: editing, querying, and mobile.

  • Update the knowledge and skills of the Provincial Directorate of Cadastre and Cartography staff in the new Geographic Information Systems technologies and their application to the Cadastre, in order to achieve their full utilization in the daily management of the Parcel Graphical Registry.

  • Ensure a period of on-site maintenance and technical support for 6 months after implementation.

  • Use the proposed architecture and development tools to reduce the costs of evolutionary maintenance and future improvements.

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