Geographic Information System and Integration with the SAP Platform


The system in general makes extensive use of object-oriented design and the use of design patterns. This allows for easy maintenance in case of needing any modification or improvement, and allows to safely maintain the level of quality expected after its production.

SAP Interface Module

This module is at the data layer level; its function was to keep both reservoirs in sync. Since both reservoirs are located on the same Software Platform (ORACLE), communications between them are greatly facilitated.

For synchronization, ORACLE Advanced Queueing was used, a mechanism by which message gluing and de-gluing can be established on each data server and the actions that the server performs with each message.

The message gluing and de-gluing mechanism allowed both reservoirs to be automatically resynchronized even after connection “failures” between the servers, since in the face of that eventuality the unprocessed messages on each side will be glued until the failure is resolved

Conceptually SAP is the mechanism that already had TGN for the maintenance (ABM) of geographic and alphanumeric data of events and objects.

Since GIS, TGN only supports modifying geographic data of events and objects (coordinates of the nodes of an event/object)

Specifically, GIS only has in its reservoir:

  • Geometric information about events/objects
  • A unique identifier that links it to alphanumeric attributes stored in SAP
  • Type and description fields of the object (object label)
  • An ORACLE queue of geographic position modification messages or object geometry
  • Triggers that when modifying the geometry of objects, trigger message gluing to SAP.
  • A process of collecting messages originating in SAP that will trigger the insertion and/or modification of objects in GIS (coordinates and alphanumeric data)
  • A DBLink to the SAP schema with a view to the events and objects needed to exploit the data in GIS

In the SAP reservoir, the following were implemented:

  • The decolation of geometry modification messages originated in TIS with update in SAP
  • An ORACLE queue of insert, download, and/or modify objects in GIS
  • Triggers that when inserting, dropping, or modifying (geometric/location) objects will invoke message gluing to GIS.

Administration Module

This module allows:

  • Maintain and manage object metadata in the GIS reservoir
  • Maintain and manage metadata for SAP views that contain the extended attributes of objects
  • Manage the relationships of those views with GIS objects
  • Maintenance of the fields to be used by default in reports. While each user will be able to select which fields to display, a set of them will be displayed by default.
  • Maintain the definitions of the Thematic Maps predefined by TGN.
  • Logs maintenance generated by gluing/de-gluing processes
  • Manage spatial indexes

Security Module

System Security has the mechanisms that control access and use of the database at the system level. Includes:

  • valid combination of user and access key
  • the amount of disk space available to users’ objects
  • limiting resources for a user

Data Security has the mechanisms that control access and use of the database at the object level. Includes:

  • which users have access to a specific object schema and what actions are allowed them to develop on those objects.
  • actions that are monitored by each scheme

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