Provision of Mapping for Telecom Argentina


The task was based on the creation of base mapping for Telecom. The accuracy required by the end customer was 2 m. To achieve this accuracy, high-resolution satellite image base of the Quick Bird sensor (0.60 m pixel), which was supported in the field by measuring points with geodesic GPS equipment.

The images in addition to adjusted to the control points. On these images proceeded to vectorize the blocks and the beginnings of the boundaries of the plots (lot footer), in addition to general features. On this planimetry was generated the blocks polygon and the stretch. The section was associated with alphanumeric information in the format required by the customer.

AutoCAD Map and Oracle Spatial were used for mapping generation, from this single reservoir delivery were generated in the formats required by the customer. Deliveries were generated through an automatic process, which was made available on the project’s website.


3,500 km2 of Urban mapping

330 locations

160,373 Squares

673,961 Flights with associated stray

1,907,752 Lots

2.902.835 Properties

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