Provision of Mapping for Telmex Argentina


Description of the services provided by the firm’s staff for the project:

Provision of urban-based mapping for 64 locations with an accuracy of +/-2m., the provision included street axes, cord lines, and block; at the country level, provincial boundaries, departments and localities, national and provincial routes, railway lines, stations and hydrography. The jobs were run with AutoCAD Map as a graphical editor and Oracle Spatial as a reservoir and administrator. Besides the upload was run in Small Word.

Volume Indicators: 64 Locations / 216,421 Squares / 530,755 Street Axles with Associated Street / 56,810 Cordon Lines.

The tasks were performed with AutoCAD as a graphical editor and Oracle Spatial as a reservoir and administrator, not only for mapping but for alphanumeric data, workflows, processes, and deliveries.

The provision included loading all information into Small Word.

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